25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (2024)

Building anticipation before you launch your new product is the best way to trigger the customers’ desire to purchase it. Although you need a long email list to leverage this tactic, it works if it’s done right.

Your launch campaign needs to leverage more channels such as paid and organic social media or PR, but email marketing is also a very effective way of reaching out to the prospects. The people on your email list expect you to share news related to your product. Therefore, there is a big chance they will convert.

Apart from promoting your new product, you can also win back inactive recipients. It’s a substantial “side effect” because it’s much cheaper to keep existing customers than to acquire new ones.

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What is a product launch email?

A product launch email is an email you send with the purpose of announcing the launch of a new product, new feature, new release, or an upcoming event.

Types of product launch emails

There are 5 main types of product launch emails:

  1. Product Release emails
  2. Upcoming features announcement emails
  3. Pre-Order emails
  4. Event – webinar invitation emails
  5. Future Sales emails

How to announce a product launch

The success of introducing your new productvia email depends (amongst other things) on timing.

Schedule at least 3 emails and start sending them at least 1-2 weeks before the official launch.

You can use the following product launch email sequence:

  1. The mysterious email that builds anticipation (teaser email)
  2. The announcement email that ends the suspense
  3. The product launch email (product release)

The mysterious message — Send it 2 weeks before the product launch.

The first email of your launch email sequence can be a teaser email, and you can unfold the whole deal later on.

If you go for this option, all you need to do is to include the date of the big day when something extraordinary will happen.

Don’t reveal more information yet, but rather grab the attention of the recipients who’d be eager to know what’s coming up.

Here are a few examples of awesome teaser emails that you can send to your target audience at the beginning of your product launch email sequence.

Something new is coming to Havenly…

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (1)

It’s coming

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Announce your new product — Send it 1 week before the launch.

Include the name and images of the product, the launch date, and the main benefits. Explaining the value of your product is an essential part of your communication.

Offer an incentive, such as free shipping, a discount, or exclusivity for the Early Birds.

👉 Check out our article about Promotional emailsand learn all about discounts, codes, and free shipping in email marketing.

You have to segment your email list based on the recipient’s actions. If they clicked the “Pre-Order” button, they are to be on your product launch email list, for example.

Launch the product — Send it on the day of the product launch.

In case someone is interested in what you promote but forgets about it, you can remind them. Thanks to your reminder they can still take advantage of the offer.

Don’t forget to include the social media buttons in the launch email design so the recipients can spread the word about your product.

What information should be included in your new product announcement email?

  • Name of the product
  • Launch date
  • Benefits
  • Offer
  • CTA to Pre-order or Sign up

How to create a product launch email

Below we will show you the best practices on how to design a successful product launch email and what to include in the email copy. In order to create a good email design, we recommend you to use a professional email template designer because of its flexible drag and drop editor. You can craft a beautiful product launch email within minutes. There are that you can use for free.

Watch how Allbirds do it in this short video:

For example, in Chamaileon, you can create product launch email templates that render perfectly on all devices- they are fully responsive. You can create your templates for free in Chamaileon by accessing them here.

While designing a product launch template, you need to follow these best practices:

Choose a vivid background color

Inserting a nice HTML color code into your launch newsletter makes a big difference. Grab attention with this simple method and stand out from the crowd.

Design eye-catching email subject lines for the product launch campaigns.

Use emotions for your product announcement email subject line. Express your excitement — you can also use emojis to make it more original.

ProdPad used a nice, attention-grabbing subject line in their product announcement email that included an emoji: “Say Hello to New ProdPad: You Asked, We Listened.”

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (3)

Aim to write a straight-to-the-point email

Include the basic information in your email to answer every question:

  • What is the upcoming product?
  • Why do people need it?
  • How can they buy it?

Apply brand design

Make it easy to recognize your brand by using your logo and brand colors. Consistency builds trust.

Divide the launch newsletter into 3 sections

It’ll result in an excellent structure and helps digest the information quickly.

Use images to grab attention

Photos help the recipient imagine and understand the new product.

Include CTA buttons multiple times

Insert CTAs in the beginning and at the end of the email. Make it easier to click the button without scrolling up or down.

A/B test different CTAs

Try to figure out which message converts better to maximize your efforts.

Allow the customers to share your fantastic deal. You can also use incentives to do so.

25 best product launch email template examples

Generally, the best product launch email templates use a single-column layout only. Its simplicity doesn’t distract the recipient but helps screen and develop content efficiently.

In Chamaileon, we have professionally designed email templates that you can use as inspiration or just modify to match your brand or goals by adding your own images and text. You can access them by registering here for free.

Now, let’s take a look at the examples below.


A Monumental Day

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (4)

Without any doubt, Apple is the master of product launch campaigns. Their launch email template is well-designed and straightforward. The high-quality images of the products are beautiful and reflect quality work.

This product announcement email template was divided into 4 parts where different products were included. Each section included the date of the order and availability.

At the very end of the email, we see some additional information to avoid future disappointment.


It’s Time to be an Automation Pro

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (5)

The Automation Pro was in Beta, but the founders decided that it was time to release the software officially. The email design included the values and benefits the tool provided.

The users who tested the tool already can learn about the improvements before deciding to upgrade their accounts.

Benchmark also aims to educate the users about email automation, that’s why they invited them to join their talk.

Super Team Deluxe

Wait… What’s That Smell?

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (6)

The reader can actually imagine the smell of freshly made banana bread or the light summer rain as they read this email. It’s a creative introduction and builds up the tension to know what that smell is.

The tone of Super Team Deluxe is interesting and entices the recipient to read the story. Use this method carefully though. If you aren’t a good writer, you might want to go for a simpler solution.



25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (7)

This fun email template example for announcing the new features of Carbonmade has a cheerful design and simple layout.

Although the email has two sections only, space was used smartly. The visuals help the user to understand the new features that are explained by using a laid-back tone of voice.

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Swiss Engineering

Introducing the New Edition

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (8)

This launch email example is a minimalist piece that includes fundamental information about the product, such as the name and the image of the shoes. At the end of the email, the benefits are listed. It’s a great example of a simple but efficient product launch email.


Lifting Off Soon

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (9)

This newsletter from the founder has a very personal tone and makes the recipient feel like they were old friends.

The founder also wanted to make sure that the early subscribers would get a discount and provided the opportunity to the students to learn for free as well.

Brother Moto

Launch Party

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (10)

This product launch invitation email template shows how you can introduce your product at a special event.

Brother Moto decided to give away the CX1 during the evening. This is a perfect reason to attend the party.

In the case of events, it’s critical to send reminder emails because people get distracted, and they forget about them.


New App

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (11)

Starbucks updated its app with new features and wanted to encourage its customers to try it out. They introduced the new features by using screenshots and invited them to leave a tip using the application. The tool also makes it easier to track customer loyalty rewards.


New Nutrition Powder

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (12)

Sakara introduced the “Life Source” by describing its values. The drinks are mouthwatering in the picture. (Hopefully, they also taste good.)

Each product has different benefits; the customer can decide which product they want, based on their personal health goals.

The woman doing yoga reflects on balance and peace of mind. The recipient can easily associate herself with this woman.

Dr. Martens

Introducing Hogarth

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (13)

Combining art and fashion isn’t a new thing under the Sun. Hogarth’s work inspired the new product line.

The visual makes us feel like we are in a museum and that the shoes are works of art.

The recipient can easily navigate to the website by clicking the menu. It’s a beautiful, seamless experience the recipient can appreciate.


You Voted for it. Now it’s Here.

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (14)

This email is an excellent example of leveraging a product launch email sequence. After the recipients voted, Massdrop created their customized keycap set. They thanked the members for voting and showed them the new goodies.

Discovering customers’ needs is the best way of creating something valuable. If you aren’t sure what your next product should be, use this method.


The Peloton Tread is here

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (15)

Peloton was going to launch its new tread, so they sent out this email promoting it. I assume this email was sent to women so they could identify the running woman with themselves.

The design layout is clear, and the copy focused on emphasizing the technology aspect of the product. The customer can also join Peloton’s live classes and feel like a part of an exclusive group.


The New Video Game is Out Now

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (16)

The announcement of the new video game is very rich concerning visuals. We can have a sneak peek into the game and get to know the hero.

An embedded video helps the player learn about the game and missions. The testimonial given at the end of the email can provide the final push to decide to check it out.

Nintendo also came up with a hashtag that boosts their social media account and helps build a community as well.


Free Prezi Next

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (17)

Prezi summed up their story about becoming a great success. They wanted to say thank you for providing the Prezi Next platform for free.

They described how Prezi Next was different and what the features were. At the bottom of the announcement, there is info on a Premium version which includes additional features.

The drawing of the founders gave a personal and friendly touch to the email.

Los Angeles

Pre Order the Book

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (18)

This book launch email template shows what Los Angeles is about and who wrote it. They encouraged the reader to pre-order it. Early birds would be among the first ones to receive the book, and they would also enjoy free shipping.

You can track the success of the email campaign if the customer uses the code to unlock the offer.

Since this launch message is quite long, it was a good idea to insert 3 CTAs to make it easier to buy the book.

Highlight quotes from the book as a teaser, so the reader knows what to expect before hitting the “Buy Now” button.


We Made a New App

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (19)

The very first sentence of this app launch email template is straight to the point. The recipient knows that life will become more comfortable from now on.

Visuals help the recipient imagine what kind of holiday cards they could create. Positive emotions are triggered by associating with family and friends.

Another useful aspect of this business email is that it describes the benefits of using the app very clearly. It makes it easy to create unique memories on environment-friendly postcards.

Greetings used two different CTAs: “Download Greetings for iPhone” and “Last Button for Holiday Cards.” It makes sense to experiment to find out which message triggers more clicks.


Meet the new Casper dog mattress

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (20)

Extending the product line to satisfy our little friends was a great idea from Casper. They wanted to have an impact on the recipients’ reasoning, so they listed the scientific manufacturing process of the mattress made for dogs.

Using a GIF is also a great idea to make your email more creative and engaging. (Although I’m not sure what the function of the squirrel is. Do dogs count them to fall asleep?) In any case, it’s a funny and heart-warming visual.


The Wait is Almost Over

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (21)

Has it ever happened to you that someone started to tell you a story and then said you they would finish it later? How annoying! You find yourself hanging tight and dying of not knowing the end of the story.

This simple launch newsletter by Boosted did the same. This mysterious email doesn’t give any hints about what’s coming soon just yet. On the other hand, they recommended that the recipient discover what was new while waiting for the reveal.

This is a cruel method, but it does the job very well.

Design Disruptors

Video Release Announcement

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (22)

This video release announcement email has a sophisticated and mysterious design. It includes a short copy that consists of the title of the movie and what it was about. The date of the actual release is essential information too. Encouraging recipients to watch the teaser is a great way of making them curious.

If the recipient clicks the “View the Trailers” button, it’s a clear indicator that they are interested. You can use this information to narrow down your messages in a more sophisticated way.


New Version Announcement

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (23)

The new version announcement by Abstract included a personal token to make this plain text email template more human. Abstract explained the significant changes and why they decided to make them.

Updating the users about improvements and fixes is a great way of showing that you keep developing your product to satisfy the customers. This method builds trust and supports transparency as well.

If you aren’t sure whether you should choose this type of email, check out our plain text and HTML email comparison.

Paul Smith

New Store is Opening

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (24)

This announcement newsletter by Paul Smith visualized their new shop in Manchester. This type of announcement requires you to segment your email list by location. Although the visitors of the city are happy to shop in Manchester too, this type of announcement is newsworthy for the locals only.

The message included the address of the new store and the date of the opening as well. I’d also recommend adding a Google map so the customers can find you with one click.

Highlighting the free gift-wrapping or free return offers can be great incentives.


New Strech Sport Shorts

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (25)

This colorful and funny product launch email template by Chubbies includes loads of images.

Instead of boring pictures of clothes, Chubbies decided to create a story about friendship and having a great time. This email clearly targeted men in a playful way.

They encouraged the customer to follow them on Snapchat (where I’m sure they post funny stories), use their app, or text them. The free shipping and return is a fantastic offer since it reduces the fear of buying something they would regret. They can send the product back free of charge. The “Free Shipping, Free Returns, Free Willy” joke at the end adds a light-hearted tone.


Introducing Product Recommendations

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (26)

The email by MailChimp announced the new feature to leverage personalization to recommend products. The background color is eye-catching and helps the screenshot of the new feature to stand out.

In the first paragraph, they explained why personalization is important. The second part of the email described how the new features work.

The CTA encouraged the user to visit their site to start using this great feature.


New Website Announcement Email

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (27)

Nike introduced their brand new website via email and explained the benefits of it. They offered the recipient free shipping to celebrate the new site.

Including the screenshots of the website and the app encourages the recipients to check them out for themselves.

Notice the simplicity in terms of colors. Use your brand colors for a consistent message.


Upcoming Sales

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (28)

This upcoming sales email by Vanmoof plays with the words and the visuals as well. Using the phrase “rolling back” aligns with the product: bicycles. If you check out the image closer, you can see that yellow forms are actually the date: 08.03.

Start the countdown was the CTA in this announcement template, which can be used to segment the people who are interested.

Early birds can sneak into the sales 1 hour before the others; it can be a great incentive to people who love getting exclusive access. At the bottom of the email, there is a link to get more information.

Free product launch email template

If you still haven’t found an example or a template that you can use in your campaigns or just don’t have any inspiration, you can access the following product lunch email template in our template collection from the app for free with professionally designed templates.

25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (29)

Just add your own images, texts, and it’s ready to be sent out. Access the template and the collection from our app here.

Wrapping up

Launching a new product is one of the most important and exciting events for any company. You need a well-thought-through campaign to communicate that something new is coming and start making a profit from day 1.

Visuals are extremely important to demonstrate the product and make the recipient understand why they need it. Start teasing the prospects well before the product launch so they’ll be keen to take the necessary actions when the time arrives.

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25+ New Product Launch Announcement Email Template Examples (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.