Nutzen eignungsdiagnostischer Prozesse bestimmen » HOLTMEIER & FRIENDS (2024)

function PrintZahl($number)
return number_format($number, 2, ‚,‘, “);

function F1($P)
$SPLIT = 0.42;
$A0 = 2.50662823884;
$A1 = -18.61500062529;
$A2 = 41.391199773534;
$A3 = -25.44106049637;
$B1 = -8.4735109309;
$B2 = 23.08336743743;
$B3 = -21.06224101826;
$B4 = 3.13082909833;
$C0 = -2.78718931138;
$C1 = -2.29796479134;
$C2 = 4.85014127135;
$C3 = 2.32121276858;
$D1 = 3.54388924762;
$D2 = 1.63706781897;
$Q = $P – 0.5;
if (abs($Q) <= $SPLIT) {$R =$Q*$Q;$PPN = $Q * ((( $A3 * $R + $A2) * $R + $A1) * $R + $A0) / (((( $B4 * $R + $B3) * $R + $B2) * $R + $B1)*$R +1.0);return $PPN;}$R = $P;if ($Q > 0)
$R =1.0-$P;
if ($R <= 0) {return 0;}$R = sqrt(-log($R));$PPN = ((($C3 * $R + $C2) * $R + $C1) * $R + $C0) / (($D2 * $R + $D1) * $R + 1.0);if ($Q < 0)$PPN =-$PPN;return $PPN;}function F2($X){$P1A = 242.667955230532;$P1B =21.97926616182942;$P1C =6.996383488661914;$P1D = -3.5609843701815E-02;$Q1A =215.058875869861;$Q1B =91.1649054045149;$Q1C = 15.0827976304078;$Q1D = 1.0;$P2A =300.459261020162;$P2B =451.918953711873;$P2C =339.320816734344;$P2D = 152.98928504694;$P2E = 43.1622272220567;$P2F = 7.21175825088309;$P2G = .564195517478994;$P2H = -1.36864857382717E-07;$Q2A =300.459260956983;$Q2B =790.950925327898;$Q2C =931.35409485061;$Q2D =638.980264465631;$Q2E =277.585444743988;$Q2F =77.0001529352295;$Q2G = 12.7827273196294;$Q2H = 1.0;$P3A = -2.99610707703542E-03;$P3B = -4.94730910623251E-02;$P3C =-.226956593539687;$P3D =-.278661308609648;$P3E = -2.23192459734185E-02;$Q3A = 1.06209230528468E-02;$Q3B = .19130892610783;$Q3C = 1.05167510706793;$Q3D = 1.98733201817135;$Q3E = 1.0;$SQRT2 = 1.4142135623731;$SQRTPI = 1.77245385090552;$Y =$X/$SQRT2;If ($Y < 0) {$Y =-$Y;$SN = -1.0;} else {$SN = 1.0;}$Y2 = $Y * $Y;If ($Y < 0.46875) {$R1 = (($P1D * $Y2 + $P1C) * $Y2 + $P1B) * $Y2 + $P1A;$R2 = (($Q1D * $Y2 + $Q1C) * $Y2 + $Q1B) * $Y2 + $Q1A;$ERFVAL = $Y * $R1 / $R2;If ($SN == 1)$LOAREA = 0.5 + 0.5 * $ERFVAL;else$LOAREA = 0.5 - 0.5 * $ERFVAL;} else {If ($Y < 4.0) {$R1 = (((((($P2H * $Y + $P2G) * $Y + $P2F) * $Y + $P2E) * $Y + $P2D) * $Y + $P2C) * $Y + $P2B) * $Y + $P2A;$R2 = (((((($Q2H * $Y + $Q2G) * $Y + $Q2F) * $Y + $Q2E) * $Y + $Q2D) * $Y + $Q2C) * $Y + $Q2B) * $Y + $Q2A;$ERFCVAL = EXP(-$Y2) * $R1 / $R2;} else {$Z = $Y2 * $Y2;$R1 = ((($P3E * $Z + $P3D) * $Z + $P3C) * $Z + $P3B) * $Z + $P3A;$R2 = ((($Q3E * $Z + $Q3D) * $Z + $Q3C) * $Z + $Q3B) * $Z + $Q3A;$ERFCVAL = (EXP(-$Y2) / $Y) * (1.0 / $SQRTPI + $R1 / ($R2 * $Y2));}If ($SN == 1)$LOAREA = 1.0 - 0.5 * $ERFCVAL;else$LOAREA = 0.5 * $ERFCVAL;}$UPAREA = 1.0 - $LOAREA;return $UPAREA;}function F3($H1, $HK, $R){$X =array();$X[1] = 0.04691008;$X[2] = 0.23076534;$X[3] = 0.5;$X[4] = 0.76923466;$X[5] = 0.95308992;$W =array();$W[1] = 0.018854042;$W[2] = 0.038088059;$W[3] = 0.0452707394;$W[4] = 0.038088059;$W[5] = 0.018854042;$H2 =$HK;$H12 = ($H1*$H1 + $H2*$H2)/2.0;$BV = 0;If (abs($R) >= 0.7) {
$R2 =1.0-$R*$R;
$R3 = SQRT($R2);
If ($R < 0)$H2 =-$H2;$H3 =$H1*$H2;$H7 = EXP(-$H3 / 2.0);if ($R2 != 0) {$H6 = abs($H1 - $H2);$H5 = $H6 * $H6 / 2.0;$H6 = $H6 / $R3;$AA = 0.5 - ($H3 / 8.0);$AB = 3.0 - (2.0 * $AA * $H5);$BV = 0.13298076 * $H6 * $AB * F2($H6) - EXP(-$H5 / $R2) * ($AB + $AA * $R2) * 0.053051647;for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i++) {$R1 = $R3 * $X[$i];$RR = $R1 * $R1;$R2 = SQRT( 1.0- $RR);$BV = $BV - $W[$i] * EXP(-$H5 / $RR) * (EXP(-$H3 / (1.0 + $R2)) / $R2 / $H7 - 1.0 - $AA* $RR);}}If ($R > 0 and $H1 > $H2) {
$BV = $BV * $R3 * $H7 + F2($H1);
return $BV;
If ($R > 0 and $H1 <= $H2) {$BV = $BV * $R3 * $H7 + F2($H2);return $BV;}If ($R < 0 and (F2($H1) - F2($H2)) < 0) {$BV = 0 - $BV * $R3 * $H7;return $BV;}If ($R < 0 and (F2($H1) - F2($H2)) >= 0) {
$BV = (F2($H1) – F2($H2)) – $BV * $R3 * $H7;
return $BV;
$H3 = $H1 * $H2;
for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i++) {$R1 = $R * $X[$i];$RR2 = 1.0 - $R1 * $R1;$BV = $BV + $W[$i] * EXP(($R1 * $H3 - $H12) / $RR2) / SQRT($RR2);}$BV = F2($H1) * F2($H2) + $R * $BV;return $BV;}$UnselectedGroupConsideredSuccessfulRatio = 0.64;$SelectionCount = 42;$Validation = 0.38;$N = 100;$MW = 100;$SD = 15;$SelectionRatio = $SelectionCount/$N;if (array_key_exists("calc", $_POST)){if (array_key_exists("UnselectedGroupConsideredSuccessfulRatio", $_POST))$UnselectedGroupConsideredSuccessfulRatio = trim($_POST["UnselectedGroupConsideredSuccessfulRatio"])/100;if (array_key_exists("SelectionCount", $_POST))$SelectionCount = trim($_POST["SelectionCount"]);if (array_key_exists("TestValidation", $_POST))$Validation = trim($_POST["TestValidation"]);if (array_key_exists("MW", $_POST))$MW = str_replace(",",".",trim($_POST["MW"]));if (array_key_exists("SD", $_POST))$SD = str_replace(",",".",trim($_POST["SD"]));if (array_key_exists("N", $_POST))$N = trim($_POST["N"]);if ($N==0)$SelectionRatio = 0;else$SelectionRatio = $SelectionCount/$N;}$H1 = F1(1.0-$SelectionRatio);$HK = F1(1.0-$UnselectedGroupConsideredSuccessfulRatio);$F3_Richtig = F3($H1, $HK, $Validation);$QuoteSelRight = $F3_Richtig/$SelectionRatio;$content = '


$SelRight = round($SelectionCount*$QuoteSelRight,1);
$SelWrong = $SelectionCount-$SelRight;
$NotSelRight = round($N*$UnselectedGroupConsideredSuccessfulRatio-$SelRight,1);
$NotSelWrong = $N-$NotSelRight-$SelRight-$SelWrong;

$TQ = round(100*$QuoteSelRight,1);
$CutOff = round($H1*$SD+$MW,2);

$content .= „„;
$content .= „

$content .= "google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});"; $content .= "google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);";

$content .= "function drawChart() {";

$content .= "var data1 = new google.visualization.DataTable();"; $content .= "data1.addColumn('string', 'Typ');"; $content .= "data1.addColumn('number', 'Anzahl');"; $content .= "data1.addRows(["; $content .= "['Richtige Entscheidungen',".$SelRight."],"; $content .= "['Fehlbesetzungen',".$SelWrong."]"; $content .= "]);"; $content .= "var options1 = {'title':'Auswählte Personen', 'pieHole':0.4, 'legend':'bottom', 'width':'100%', 'height':'320', 'colors':['#20c596','#f32850']};"; $content .= "var chart1 = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('selected_chart_div'));"; $content .= "chart1.draw(data1, options1);";

$content .= "var data2 = new google.visualization.DataTable();"; $content .= "data2.addColumn('string', 'Typ');"; $content .= "data2.addColumn('number', 'Anzahl');"; $content .= "data2.addRows(["; $content .= "['Richtige Entscheidungen',".$NotSelWrong."],"; $content .= "['Falsche Entscheidungen',".$NotSelRight."]"; $content .= "]);"; $content .= "var options2 = {'title':'Nicht auswählte Personen', 'pieHole':0.4, 'legend':'bottom', 'width':'100%', 'height':'320', 'colors':['#20c596','#f32850']};"; $content .= "var chart2 = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('not_selected_chart_div'));"; $content .= "chart2.draw(data2, options2);";

$content .= "}";

$content .= "„;

$content .= „

$content .= „


$content .= ‚


$content .= ‚

echo $content;

Nutzen eignungsdiagnostischer Prozesse bestimmen » HOLTMEIER & FRIENDS (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.