expertum Belgium | Privacy policy (2024)

Declaration of privacy

Our general mission:

To expertum BV, your privacy is very important. You have the right to know which personal data we process and how we do it. In this declaration of privacy, we explain exactly how we work.

expertum BV adheres to the newest European Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

The Privacy Policy is addressed to the following data subjects: interested parties, clients, suppliers, companies, applicants. We take the privacy of those involved very seriously.

We aim to comply with ‘the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (generally known as the ‘General Data Protection Regulation’)’, with ‘the Law of 30 July 2018 concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, for the transposing, supplementing and implementing of the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of personal data’, as well as with ‘the anti-spam provisions from Book XII of the Code of Economic Right concerning the ‘right of the electronic economy’ (in as far as applicable)’.

Date of the last revision: 11/2022

This Privacy Policy Web can regularly be revised or updated. To keep you informed of the latest change to our Privacy Policy Web, we will update the review date each time it is changed. The amended Privacy Policy Web will take effect on the date of the last revision. Revisions and updates will be released on the Website. We recommend you to consult it on a regular basis.

This declaration of privacy answers the following questions:

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

This declaration of privacy regulates the processing of your personal data by the body responsible for processing them: expertum BV, registered HG Genk (see Imprint), registered with the Crossroads Databank of Enterprises under number (see Imprint) and all bodies connected with it (e.g. Asap Staffing NV,

For any questions concerning this declaration of privacy, please contact us at

What do a number of important notions in this declaration mean?

Personal data:this is all information that is directly (name, address, customer number, email, date of birth, etc…) or indirectly (IP address, car number plate, etc…) linked to a person.

Processing personal data:this is the processing operation, or a number of processing operations, concerning the personal data, or a number of personal data, either or not performed by automated procedures, such as collecting, recording, classifying, structuring, saving, updating or changing, requesting, consulting, using, forwarding, dispersing, or making available in any other way, aligning or combining, blocking, erasing or destroying of data;

Responsible body for processing:expertum BV

Cookies:see our cookie policy below

Data infringement:an infringement of data protection that, accidently or illegally, leads to the destruction, loss, modification or unlawful supply of, or unlawful access to, forwarded, recorded or otherwise processed personal data.

Processor:a partner who processes personal data on behalf of expertum BV.

Processing agreement:a specific agreement between the processor and expertum BV , in which expertum BV decides and limits which data can be processed for what purposes.

What personal data of yours do we collect, and when?

3.1 Personal data you provide

3.1.1 When you visit our website

IP address
Via cookies (see below)
Profile name, password, email address, log in data (and photo, where applicable) upon registration on our database

3.1.2 When you register for our newsletter

Email address

3.1.3 As an employee of expertum BV

Name, surname, address, email address, phone number, emergency number
Photos, video material of job application
CV, letters of application, notes taken during a job interview
History of education and employment
Assessment forms and results of tests/assessments
Payroll information such as national insurance number, date and place of birth, address, seniority, marital status, family composition, bank account number
Pay slips, holiday entitlement

3.1.4 As a candidate and/or interim manager

Name, surname, address, email address, phone number, emergency number
Photos, video material of job application
CV, letters of application, notes taken during a job interview
History of education and employment
Assessment forms and results of tests/assessments
Payroll information such as national insurance number, date and place of birth, address, seniority, marital status, family composition, bank account number
Pay slips, holiday entitlement

3.1.5 As an employer, client or business associate

Name, surname, email address, phone number and bank account number
Personal data we collect indirectly

3.2.1 Public data of the employer, client or other business associate

expertum BV sometimes processes public data, for instance data subject to a disclosure requirement such as the publication of your appointment as director of a company, or data you yourself have made public, such as information on your website, or data that have been published in the press.

What exactly do we do with these personal data? What is the purpose of processing them?

4.1 General purposes

expertum BV will use your personal data for the following purposes only:

IP address: (see point 3.1.1) for the management and improvement of the website, and for the inclusion of personal data in anonymous statistics where the identity of specific persons or companies cannot be detected, with as legal ground the legitimate concern of expertum BV to constantly improve its website and services.
Profile name, password, email address, log in data (and photo if applicable) upon registration on the website: (see point 3.1.1) to facilitate the management of your account on our website, in order to allow us to provide the information or services you want, or to fulfil legal requirements. Our legal ground is the carrying out of an agreement requested by you, and, if so indicated by you, the sending of direct marketing, with as legal ground your explicit prior permission.
Email address (on subscription to the newsletter): (see point 3.1.2) for the purpose of sending you direct marketing (automatic email messages or other electronic messages), newsletters, employment information or information about planned activities (lectures, seminars, work lunches, inspirational sessions) with as legal ground your explicit prior permission.
Name, surname, address, email address, phone number, pay roll information including national insurance number, address, seniority, marital status, bank account number, family composition, date of birth, pay slips, holiday entitlement, CV, letters of application, notes taken during a job interview, history of education and employment, assessment forms and results of tests/assessments(see points 3.1.3 and 3.1.4) in order to provide the service you requested and to comply with the legal regulations, with as legal ground the carrying out of an agreement.
Photos and video material: (see points 3.1.3 and 3.1.4) to be used for our internal communication with as legal ground your explicit prior permission.
Name, surname, email address, phone number, bank account number: (see point 3.1.5) in order to provide the service you requested and to comply with legal regulations, with as legal ground the carrying out of an agreement requested by you and, if indicated by you, sending you direct marketing, with as legal ground your explicit prior permission.

4.2 Direct marketing

Your personal data will also be used for direct marketing, on condition that you have given your additional explicit permission.

If you are already on our mailing list for receiving marketing material electronically, expertum BV can use your data for sending marketing material concerning the services of expertum BV.

Additionally, expertum BV can pass on your data to partners with a view to direct marketing. This permission can be retracted at any time, without motivation or expenses, by contacting us via email on

4.3 Transferring data to a third party

expertum BV shall never pass on your personal data to a third party except of its clients with a view to employment, or to technical service providers who assure technical support if necessary for technical services and/or if they are obliged to do so on the basis of a statutory provision or a judicial verdict.

Within reason, Expertum BV shall try to notify you in advance of the fact that your data have been passed on to the aforementioned third party, but you will acknowledge that this is not technically or commercially feasible in all circ*mstances.

expertum BV shall not sell, rent out or distribute your data or transfer them in any other commercial way to a third party, except as described or unless you have given prior permission.

4.4 Legal requirements

In rare cases, it can happen that expertum BV is obliged to divulge your personal data as a consequence of a court order or in order to comply with mandatory rules or regulations. Within reason, expertum BV will try to notify you in advance about this matter, unless the matter is subject to legal limitations.

Duration of processing

The personal data are kept by us and processed for the period necessary for the purpose of processing, as described in article 4 and subject to the contractual relationship between expertum BV and yourself:

IP address: (see point 3.1.1) for the duration of your visit to the website.

Profile name, password, email address, log in data (and photo if applicable): (see point 3.1.1) for the duration of the provision of the requested services.

Email address (on subscription to the newsletter): (see point 3.1.2) for the duration of the provision of the requested services.

Name, surname, address, email address, phone number, payroll information such as national insurance number, address, seniority, marital status, bank account number, family composition, date of birth, pay slips, holiday entitlement, CV, letters of application, notes taken during a job interview,history of education and employment, assessment forms and results of tests/assessment:(see points 3.1.3 and 3.1.4) for the duration of the provision of services requested, for employment and in compliance with the relevant legal rules.

Name, email address,phone number and bank account number: (see point 3.1.5) for the duration of the provision of services requested.

The aforementioned personal data will be retained in compliance with the specific legal requirements and the limitation period that oblige us to retain your personal data for a longer time, for instance in order to defend ourselves against a claim in the courts.

How do we protect your legal data?

Since expertum BV values your privacy, we do our utmost to fully protect your personal data. We have taken all the necessary technical and organisational steps to protect your data against possible data breach.

With whom do we work together?

For certain processing operations we have entered into a processing agreement with other parties. expertum BV recommends you check the declaration of privacy of these partners.

SD WORX for the payroll of our employees
Carerix for monitoring our applicants for vacancies.

What are your rights?

When you share data with expertum BV, you as the person involved have a number of rights concerning your personal data. These are described below.

Theright toinformation: this right is described in our declaration of privacy.
Theright to access andperusal: you can always request to peruse all data stored by expertum BV free of charge, or obtain a print in legible format. When you request this information, expertum BV will provide all the necessary information such as the processing, the retention period, the legal ground for processing and the recipients.

This information will be sent to you within a month.

Theright to amendment:you have the right to request that all your personal data processed by us be rectified if you know or suspect that they are not correct. expertum BV will amend them within a reasonable time.
Theright to object:you also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for grave or legitimate reasons. Moreover, you retain the right to object to the use of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing. In that case, you do not need to supply a reason.
Theright to removal: if you no longer wish expertum BV to process your personal data, you can request to have these data removed from the files/databases of expertum BV.

However, this right is not an absolute right and you need to take into account that another legislation can limit this right. For instance, you cannot request the removal of data if a legal storage time limit has been agreed on and this time limit has not yet been reached. You also cannot request the removal of data for which expertum BV has defined a storage time limit if this time limit has not yet been reached.

However, all personal data of yours that we process on a basis of ‘permission’ can be requested by you to be removed if you withdraw your permission. This can be done at your single request via the email .

However, in case of disputes such as a court case or a discussion that can have legal consequences, expertum BV has a ‘justified interest’ not to remove any data. As long as these disputes are on-going, we cannot remove data.

Theright to limitation of processing:if you do not agree with one or several of the processing proceduresexpertum BV applies to your data, you can demand the limitation of these procedures.
Theright to data transfer: you have the right to obtain the personal data processed by us in a structured, accepted and machine readable form and/or to transfer them to other persons responsible.
Theright to withdraw permission:where the processing is based on your prior permission you have the right to withdraw that permission.
Theright to complainto the Belgian Authorities: if you suspect or claim to know that expertum BV treats your data without due care or does not respect the rights described above, you can complain to the relevant Belgian Data Protection Authorities at 35 Drukpersstraat, 1000 Brussels, tel. +32 (0)2 274 48 00, email This leaves a provision for a civil court unaffected. If you suffer damages as a consequence of the processing of your personal data, you can bring action to claim compensation.
Exercising your rights

You can exercise your rights by contacting us on the email address enclosing a copy of the front side of your identity card.

Security and confidentiality

We have put technical and organisational security measures in place to prevent the destruction, loss, falsification, unauthorised access or accidental disclosure to a third party of personal data, as well as any other unauthorised processing of these data.

Therefore, under no circ*mstances can expertum BV be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the wrongful or improper use of the personal data by a third party. expertum BV has made sure that, if it calls on a third party for the processing of personal data, the same rules apply to this third party.

You are obliged to comply with the safety rules at all times. In other words: you are solely responsible for the use made of data from the website of your computer, IP address and your identification data, as well the confidentiality of those data.

Access by a third party

In order to process your personal data, we give our employees access to your data. We guarantee an equal level of protection by making contractual obligations enforceable to our employees and appointees, similar to this declaration of privacy.


12.1 What are cookies?

A ‘cookie’ is a small file sent by the server of expertum BV and placed on the hard disk of your computer. The information stored on these cookies can only be read by us, and only for the time of your visit to the website.

12.2 Why do we use cookies?

Our website uses cookies and similar technologies in order to distinguish your preferences of use from those of other users of our website. This helps us give you a better user experience when visiting our website, and allows us to optimise our website.

As a consequence of recent changes in the law, all websites directed to certain parts of the European Union are obliged to ask your permission for using or storing cookies and similar technologies on your computer or mobile devices. This cookie policy gives you clear and extensive information about the cookies we use and their purpose.

12.3 The website only uses the following cookies

Functional cookies

Advertising cookiesTo offer targeted advertising via advertising networks
User input cookies ‘lifestyle identifier’Remembering a website user’s actions
User interface customisation cookiesUsed to remember the preferences of the user

Non-functional cookies

Tracking cookiesUsed to identify the surfing behaviour of visitors

Google Analytics, Ad-Conversion and Cookie-Banner-preferences

The Website uses exclusively cookies to support tracking by Google Analytics under these legal GDPR conditions (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f) DSGVO).

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the collected data to track and monitor the use of our services. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the information collected to contextualise and personalise the advertisem*nts of its own advertising network.

You may choose not to make your activity on the service available to Google Analytics by installing the ‘Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on’. The add-on prevents Google Analytics from sharing JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js and dc.js) information with Google Analytics about visiting activity.

For more information about Google’s privacy policy, please visit Google’s Privacy and Terms and Conditions webpage:

Your consent:

You can refuse or block cookies by changing the configuration parameters of your navigation system. Switching off cookies can mean that you can no longer make use of certain functionalities of the Website.

You can view and update your preferences at any time via the ‘Manage cookies’ tab at the bottom of the website.

  • WordPress Cookie Plugin zur Einhaltung der DSGVO & ePrivacy (

Should you have further questions or comments regarding the processing of your personal data, don´t hesitate to contact us by e-mail

You can also find more information about cookies at:

You can find more information about online behavioural advertising and online privacy here:


This Website can contain references to other websites and applications. expertum BV is not responsible for the processing of personal data via these websites and applications.

expertum BV can only advice you to check the privacy policies/statements and the terms and conditions of these websites and applications.

This Privacy Policy Web applies only to this Website.

Your permission

You can refuse or block cookies by changing the configuration parameters of your navigation system. Deactivating cookies may mean that you cannot use certain functionalities of the website. If you have further questions or remarks concerning the processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact us by email

Who will contact you if you have questions about the declaration of privacy?

expertum BV has trained its internal employees to answer all your questions concerning the declaration of privacy. They address all questions about the processing of your personal data and how to exercise your rights in this respect. You can contact them on the email

Amendment of the declaration of privacy

expertum BV retains the right to update this privacy policy. Therefore, it is important that you always consult the most recent version by clicking on the relevant link on the

Applicable law and competent court

This declaration of privacy is managed, explained and implemented in accordance with the Belgian law that applies exclusively.

The Antwerp courts are exclusively competent to hear any dispute stemming from the interpretation or implementation of this declaration of privacy.

– End of Declaration –

expertum Belgium | Privacy policy (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.